Speech about Marg Slarke by Danielle Boesenberg, Dany Cooper ASE and Lawrie Silvestrin ASE.


As I mentioned earlier tonight, Margaret Slarke, the ASE’s long-time administrator and friend, is retiring at the end of this year. Margaret has worked with 11 presidents across her 20+ years with the guild.  She has been our rock and our glue, the dot of our i, the cross of our t, our continuity and our memory. In so many different ways, in all weather, Marg has made a positive impact on us - for us. And she will be profoundly missed.

So - it is with great pleasure - and deep gratitude - that I introduce our second Life Member for 2022 - Margaret Slarke. I’d like to ask Dany Cooper ASE and Lawrie Silvestrin ASE to the stage to say a few words…


The ASE had a humble, beginning. In the words of Henry Dangar ASE, our first president - “In May 1995 we organised an evening at the Harold Park Hotel. A crowd of 80 Editors and Assistants turned up and the ideas flew around the room about how to form a guild, we were eventually kicked out into the car park still talking madly and that’s where the ASE began”.

Margaret, took up the admin role around Jan 2000. Mathew Tucker was the new president and Fiona Strain ASE the vice president.  Her dedication and dry wit, her incredible attention to detail, in particular around awards season, were second to none.  The planning, the website, the membership fees, consultation with editors, listening to their issues.  She was there for us all.

Marg, sadly you’re leaving us, and we wish you the very best in this new chapter of your life and we know you will stay in touch with the Guild.


It wasn’t long before members from around Australia started joining the ASE and State Subcommittees were formed.

Margaret, for us around the country, you have always been the hub and indeed the heart of the ASE.  For the past 22 years you’ve helped create a sense of community and solidarity and a “connectiveness of spirit” for us all and we owe you a great debt of gratitude.  As well as your Lifetime Membership, the Guild will be presenting you with a book of quotes and messages from your friends and colleagues.

(Dany Cooper ASE and Lawrie Silvestrin ASE)


How many years has it been and how many presidents? … not dissimilar to the queen and all those prime ministers!
(Lindi Harrison ASE)

If the question, "What do you think of Margaret Slarke?" was asked of Humphrey Bogart, he would have replied  "She's one Classy Dame!"
(Frans Vandenburg ASE)

Margaret was the bedrock of the Guild…she was the one that could be relied upon to organise, cajole and quietly keep the wheels turning smoothly.
(Emma Hay ASE)

Oh Margaret! My safe and wise harbour during those early ASE Queensland years. The rock we have had the fortune to lean on while building a stronger, more visible Australian film editing community.
(Axel Grigor)

She is the keeper of our history and is ‘lucky’ enough to have witnessed thousands of ASE committee meetings, from discussions about the type of organisation it should strive to be to the impact of technology.
(Jane St Vincent Welch ASE)

You are the absolute backbone to the inner dealings and guidance for the Presidents and Committee Members.
(Jason Ballantine ASE)

Tireless, committed and a wry, knowing smile always on hand, she made anyone stepping into the committee feel welcome, and encouraged participation on all levels.
(Deb Peart ASE)

You always kept a steady hand on the tiller and your eye on the horizon, keeping the ASE on course through rough seas and calm waters.
(Henry Dangar ASE)

How does the ASE thank you for all these years of protecting and promoting our craft?
(Denise Haslem ASE)

The ASE will be poorer for her departure but so much richer for having had her guide its way for so long.
(Matt Villa ASE)

If anyone ever deserved a lifetime membership to the ASE surely it is Margaret Slarke, without whom there would be no life of the ASE and no memberships to give!  She has been our guild's lifeline from the start and made it what it is today.
(Karen Pearlman)


eNews 113 - December 2023