This news from FEGA (Film Editors Guild Australia) was published in Lumiere Magazine in 1971:
It is that time of the year of annual general meetings, of outgoing and incoming committees, of wondering what the hell we've been doing for the past 12 months, it's a time when we take count of success and setbacks and time to plan for the next 12 months.
1973 has been a success - of that there can be no doubt. Membership is looking extremely healthy. The weekend workshops for junior members, as before, were well received; 24 members took part which made conditions a little crowded. The grant received helped a great deal and while money is always useful the work put in by the organisers and tutors cannot be praised enough.
Monthly meetings have been very well attended, especially when we used the Film Co-op premises. The at~ mosphere of these meetings was in direct contrast to that at the Commonwealth Centre theatrette which is overly formal. It will be beneficial to all if a guildhouse does come into being.
Communications and the power strike were the only problems of any note.
The outgoing committee's recommendations to the newly elected committee should provide a great deal of interestand comment in 1974. They would like to see the weekend workshops held twice during the year and developed to the degree that an actual film production would be undertaken.
On a more general note, is the position in which the unions fit with regard to our industry. It has been recommended that open discussions be held to put all views and to see which direction the union is headed and how much it will affect our future, In view of the situation in the USA, England and Italy, it is timely that we discuss these patterns openly. Good luck to the incoming committee and thanks especially to all retiring members.
FEGA is looking quite healthy.