join the ASE s2

Full Membership

($150/yr – incl. GST)

Available to individuals who are employed or contracted as a picture editor, assistant editor, compositor, screen graphic designer, or visual effects artist.

Where no on screen credit or other documentary proof has been given, further evidence may be required outlining details of work completed in the specified role(s). All applicants must supply at least one professional referee.

An Editor, Visual Effects Artist, Designer or Compositor is defined to be a person with creative and technical expertise who is responsible for manipulating images and/or sound into an aesthetic and/or cohesive professional motion picture, televisual production or multi media production (or parts thereof) for public or industrial exhibition.

The definition, Assistant Editor, may also encompass those involved in professional broadcast VTR operation and dubbing.

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Associate Membership

($75/yr – incl. GST)

Available to individuals who do not meet the qualifications of a Member, but who are engaged in the postproduction of motion pictures or televisual productions or in the allied arts and sciences.

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Student Membership


Available to persons undertaking a full time course in screen editing, postproduction or gaining work experience in the postproduction industry.

Only Full Members are eligible to vote, apply for accreditation and take part in the mentor scheme.

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