On Wednesday 14 April, the last day of Brisbane’s COVID lock down, the ASE partnered with the ADG and Griffith Film School to present an In Conversation with Dr Karen Pearlman event.

Griffith University gave us the use of their large central theatre, which allowed our 50 registered  participants to socially distance (one chair apart) and enjoy the presentation sans face masks.

(Mairi Cameron, Karen Pearlman, Charlotte Cutting.)

Karen screened her trilogy of short films in one go, which was a first for Karen, and then Mairi Cameron (the Qld head of the ADG) and myself (Qld head of the ASE) moderated the questions /conversation session.

It was a really fantastic session, with lots of great questions after the films. Our session went for for about 90 mins and after that we continued ‘the conversation’ at the nearby pub, The Ship Inn.

We’re so thankful that Karen was able to drop into Brisbane and deliver this event for us.

(Judy Yeh, Karen Pearlman,                                        (Karen Pearlman, Charlotte Cutting)
Charlotte Cutting, Stewart Tyrell.)

(All photos by Stewart Tyrell.)

Charlotte Cutting
QLD Committee Chairperson

Wednesday April 14, 6:30pm
Griffith Film School, Central Theatre

Dr Karen Pearlman writes, directs and edits screen productions. She researches creative practice, cognition and feminist film histories.  She is a director, with Richard James Allen, of the critically acclaimed Physical TV Company.  They create dramas, documentaries and dance films that have broadcast in Australia and around the world, screened at over 300 international film festivals, and received over 90 nominations or awards.

The Australian Screen Editors, The Australian Directors Guild with support from the Queensland Screen Collective will host Dr Karen Pearlman as she discusses her trilogy of award-winning films Woman with an Editing Bench (2016), Winner of Best Editing ‘Ellie’ in Short Fiction, After the Facts (2018), Winner of Best Editing ‘Ellie’ in Open Content, I want to make a film about women (2020), Winner of Best Direction of a Documentary Short Subject at the Australian Directors' Guild Awards.

Karen is also a leading theorist, speaker and writer on the art of film editing. She is the author of Cutting Rhythms, Intuitive Film Editing (now in its 2nd edition with Focal Press) and well-known around the world for her YouTube series, The Science of Editing created with This Guy Edits.  

Everyone is welcome. Come and be inspired!
Please register below to join us.
To register: