EVENT (VIC / Aug 4): Andy Canny Masterclass
The ASE is excited to announce the 2013 Melbourne International Film Festival Editing Masterclass. The Speaker this year is Andy Canny (Beaconsfield, The Slap, The Loved Ones and currently The Mule). Seating is limited so avoid the disappointment of last year as it...
EVENT (VIC / Jun 29): The Great Gatsby Q&A
EVENT (VIC / May 29): Focus On Editing
EVENT (VIC&NSW / June 3&4): Autodesk Event
To register online for these fantastic events go to: To register online for these fantastic events go...
EVENT (WA / May 18): Wed(ited) Bliss
NEWS: Sydney Film Fest Online Living Archive
The Sydney International Film Festival have launched a online living archive to celebrate their 60 years. This ground-breaking initiative is a world-first, designed as a free digital-only publication with thousands of pages of content and images, creating something so...
EVENT (NSW / April 30): Sound Bytes
Featuring ASE member and first assistant editor extraordinaire Christine (Noodle) Cheung in association with the Australian Screen Sound Guild.
EVENT (NSW&VIC/Apr22&23): The latest from NAB
NEWS: Australian Stories in Jeopardy
Help keep Australian stories on our television: Without sub-quotas for Australian content both history and overwhelming evidence from other English speaking countries shows us that there will be no local children’s television and very little local drama and...
EVENT (VIC / March 21): How to Freelance
EVENT REPORT: 2012 ASE Awards Night
It was another great night at the 2012 ASE Awards and Accreditation evening. Thank you to all members, sponsors, friends and families who came along to share and celebrate editing. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees. Our 2012 MC, Julian Morrow...
EVENT REPORT: Class of 2002 (NSW)
CLASS of 2002 (NSW) Lord Dudley Hotel Sunday 28th October 2012 Ten years ago Nicholas Beauman, Henry Dangar, Denise Haslem, Veronika Jenet, Bill Russo and Ray Thomas were amongst the first group of Editors honoured by the ASE for their experience and achievements. On...