Evelyn Cronk

Evelyn Cronk

ASE Lifetime Membership awarded 2001. Evelyn started her career on July 14th 1964 at Senior Films in St Kilda as an assistant to editor David Bilcock Jr. Evelyn doesn’t know why she was chosen, as she had no skills in the area and feels David Bilcock Senior hired her...
Brian Kavanagh ASE

Brian Kavanagh ASE

One of my favourite film stories concerns a visiting Hollywood actress (renowned for cosmetic enhancement) while filming in Australia, retired to her caravan for the lunch break. When called later by the First AD to continue filming the same scene, she appeared in a...
John Leonard

John Leonard

John started out as a casual lighting assistant at Channel 7 before taking up a full-time position at channel 9 in 1963. After a year he resumed engineering studies until 1965 when Channel 9 advertised for videotape technicians and John joined the videotape...
Ken Sallows ASE

Ken Sallows ASE

Many words these days are overused and misused. Ken Sallows is a man, who has a great respect for words. Especially those well expressed. Ken never wastes his own. I shudder to think what he will make of mine. Ken has a number of beliefs, traits and loves. I’ll list a...
Jack Swart

Jack Swart

ASE Lifetime Membership awarded 2002. In 1986 Jack Swart was busy inventing Shotlister at Visualeyes, a post production house located in Kings Cross. At the time the industry was changing from film to tape but it was very clumsy when it came to editing tape to tape....
Hans Pomeranz OAM, 1938 – 2007

Hans Pomeranz OAM, 1938 – 2007

Hans' commitment to the Australian editing community started well before the Guild itself. Founder and Managing Director of legendary Spectrum Films (an ASE Sponsor), Hans nurtured many of today's filmmaking  'names' in their early years. Having started in a film lab...