What is the difference between an Assistant Editor and an Edit Assistant? The ASE recently put a call-out on Facebook to try and answer this question you didn’t know you needed answered. After a number of responses this is what we have been told so far:

The Edit Assistant role is more commonly found in reality/factual productions; it is often a facility wide position, handling multiple projects, and is a go-to person for all post-production technical and media support. This more widely encompassing role, focuses on the initial project set-up and handover, including tasks such as data wrangling, media management, ingesting, syncing, inputting metadata, organising, exporting and conforming, etc.

The Assistant Editor role relates to more scripted, TVC and long-form projects, where they are more involved on a single project from start to finish. This role encompasses all the tasks of the Edit Assistant, with the addition of working more closely with the Editor, learning the actual craft of editing from them and doing assembly cuts.

Don’t agree? Have something to add? Head over to our Facebook page to read the responses and join the discussion. https://www.facebook.com/groups/screeneditors/permalink/10155664678394229/

Fiona Macintosh
ASE Secretary

(eNews 94 - October 2019)