The winner of the Melodie Award for Best Editing in Current Affairs is 

Leah Donovan: Foreign Correspondent: Inside Iran, The Fight Continues


The winner of The Editors Award for Best Editing in a Short Drama is…

Jessie Hildebrand: Dusty


The winner of the Netflix Award for Best Editing in a Comedy is… 

Ariel Shaw: Erotic Stories Episode 1


The winner of the Digistor Award for Best Editing in Open Content is…

Andrew Holmes: Highlife

The winner of the ASE Award for Best Editing in a Music Video is…

Brad Hurt ASE: Stephen Sanchez, Baby Blue Bathing Suit


The winner of the Solid State Award for Best Editing in Trailers & Promos is…

Adam Leonard: High Country


The winner of the Blackmagic Award for Best Editing in a Commercial is…

Alexandre De Franceschi ASE: Hailstorm


The winner of the ASE Award for Best Editing in Corporate & Branded is…

Delaney Murphy: The Public Diagnosis


The winner of the ASE Award for Best Editing in Children’s Entertainment is…

Josef Switak: Bluey The Sign


The winner of the ASE Award for Best Editing in Reality is…

Karen Crespo: Love Triangle Season 2 Episode 1 

The winner of the Adobe Award for Best Editing in Factual Entertainment is…

Nic Venettacci: Hunt For Truth Episode 1 Tasmanian Tiger, Tigermania


The winner of the Eizo Award for Best Editing in Documentary or Documentary Series is…

Pete Ward: Pressure and Release


The winner of the Blue Post Award for Best Editing in a Drama is…

Deborah Peart ASE: The Lost Flower of Alice Hart Part 1 Black Fire Orchid 


The winner of the Audio Network Award for Best Editing in Documentary Feature is…

Matias Bolla and Zac Grant: This is going to be big


The winner of the Avid Award for Best Editing in Feature Drama is…

Andy Canny: Woman of the Hour


The winner of the Netflix Award for Technical Excellence is…

Veronica Buhagiar: Woman of the Hour


The winner of the AFTRS Award for the Most Outstanding Early Career Editor is…

Ashleigh DeGroot 

The winner of the AFTRS Award for the Most Outstanding Student Editor is…

Taylor Finch